
  • Students will be separated by gender to be informed and instructed on proper hygiene for each gender when growing up and becoming an adult.

Reproductive Development

  • Students will be instructed and informed about reproductive development (age appropriate engagement)


  • Students will be informed and instructed in healthy eating habits
  • Students will be informed and instructed in the art of plating
  • Students will be provided the opportunity to participate and prepare meals along side locally accomplished chefs and chefs from outside of the immediate community and/or region

Healthy Relationships

  • Students will be informed and instructed on what healthy relationships are and are not

Safe Sex and Contraceptives (age appropriate)

  • Students will be provided instruction and information from a qualified medical professional and/or certified counselor regarding abstinence
  • Older students will have an opportunity to have a consent form signed by parents to learn about safe sex and contraceptive options